Known discography of DAVID WM. SIMS
david wm. Sims is a MEMBER in ...
rate it scratch acidst 198612" fundamental / rabid cat
rate it scratch acidjust keep eating 198612" rabid cat
No sleeve yet rate it scratch acidjust keep eating 198612" rabid cat
rate it scratch acidjust keep eating 198612" rabid cat
rate it ...
scratch acid...
v/a: gods favorite dog 198612" touch and go
rate it scratch acidjust keep eating 198612" rabid cat / fundamental
rate it scratch acidberserker 198712" touch and go
rate it prohibition (USA)flophouse 198812" fortress
rate it rapemanbudd 198812" ep blast first
rate it rapemanhated chinee 19887" fierce / blast first
rate it rapemanhated chinee 19887" touch and go
rate it rapemantwo nuns and a pack mule 198812" touch and go
rate it rapemaninki's butt crack sub pop singles club #10 august 1989 19897" sub pop
rate it the jesus lizardpure 198912" touch and go
rate it the jesus lizardchrome 19897" touch and go
rate it rapemanshut up 19907" blow
rate it the jesus lizardhead 199012" touch and go
rate it the jesus lizardhead pure 1990CD touch and go
rate it rapemanlive in chester UK 1988 19917"
rate it the jesus lizardgoat 1991CD touch and go
rate it the jesus lizardgoat picture disc 199112" touch and go
rate it ...
jesus lizard...
v/a: mesomorph enduros 1992CD big cat
rate it the jesus lizardlive at cannibal club 19927"
rate it scratch acidthe greatest gift 1992CD touch and go
rate it the jesus lizardliar 199212" touch and go
rate it the jesus lizardliar picture disc 199212" touch and go
rate it the love interestbedazzled 1993CD invisible
rate it the jesus lizardlash 19937"x3 touch and go
rate it the jesus lizardshow 199412" collision arts / giant
rate it the jesus lizarddown 199412" touch and go
rate it the denison/kimball triosoul machine 199512" skin graft
rate it the jesus lizardshot 1996CD capitol
rate it the jesus lizardthumper 1996CD ep capitol
rate it the jesus lizardcold water 1997CD ep jetset
rate it the jesus lizardcold water 199710" jetset
rate it the jesus lizardblue 1998CD capitol
rate it the jesus lizardbang 2000CD touch and go
rate it the jesus lizardliar 200912" touch and go
rate it the jesus lizardgoat 2009CD touch and go
rate it the jesus lizardinch record store day 2009 april 18, 2009 20097"x9 touch and go
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